Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 4: Ghent Day!

Yesterday, Monday the 12th, Sarah and I spent the day shopping and sightseeing in Ghent. Last year, Sarah studied at Ghent Uni so she knows the area well and is particularly fond of it, something I now agree with. Ghent is about 20 minutes by train from Lokeren and once there, we took a tram to the university so Sarah could show me where she studied her Masters in European Law (yep, she's a smart cookie :))

 One of the courtyards at Ghent Uni

European Law Research Library

Next up was shopping on the main street and me marvelling at the buildings. I swear this country is so cute! I also ducked into a book store to check out what some of the Dutch editions of the books I review look like.

 Cool huh? :)

Belgium book store chain, similar to Dymocks

 Various YA, The Hunger Games, Vampire Academy... in Dutch :)
We had a very late lunch at an organic food franchise called Exki which Sarah swears we went to heaps last time we were here but I have no recollection of it. As we discovered throughout the day, there are a lot of things I don't remember from our trip 4 years ago.

Exki - evidence so I remember next time!

After our little break from wandering Ghent, we took a boat ride along the river and then walked around the old city centre known as the Graslei. This may have involved buying some yummy Belgium chocolate...

In medieval days, this building was apparently a monastery for the beer makers of Belgium.

The four buildings on the left make up one hotel

The sun sets at 5pm and it is only getting earlier as the days go on. With the wind like ice, we decided to call it a day and come back again because we spent too much time shopping and missed half the sightseeing things Sarah wanted to show me! This is fine with me because I love Ghent! :) 

 Our boat ride leaving from the Graslei area.

Central Ghent

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