Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 2: Rain, Rain, Go Away

Saturday the 10th was all about rain. So we were all about staying in. Our original plan had been to spend the day exploring Antwerp but with heavy rain forecast (for Saturday only and sun the rest of the week) and me still jetlagged and sick, we decided to take a day to hang around at home, watching dvd's and catching up on the last year and a half.

Sarah's Homemade Plum Jam

Sarah and I did duck out to the bakery to get bread for lunch. This was funny as Sarah had said it was a bit further than the fruit market from the previous day but not too far. I took this to mean it was a couple of blocks away. Turns out it was three shops up lol. Apparently, bakeries close for lunch (lunch is very important here) so in order for people to still be able to get bread during the hour it is closed, there is a bread vending machine out the front! We got there before it closed, but I got a photo of the vending machine, and Sarah rattled off some Dutch as she asked for the bread, which highly impressed me.

The bread vending machine

Niels prepared a massive feast for lunch. He does all the cooking which suits Sarah and I fine. We contribute by washing all the dishes which pile up. I think if chefs had to wash all their own dishes there would never be quite so many!

The afternoon was spent with Niels' sister Soetkin, hanging out and watching Buffy (which Sarah is working through - so proud of her!).Cedric, Niels' friend, and Soetkin stayed for dinner, which of course Niels made, and then the boys went out while the girls stayed in.

Today is a public holiday so lots of places are closed but the sun is shining so we are going to attempt a little tourist adventure that involves a forest or something. Belgium tourist photos to follow!


  1. Thanks for the update honey! Dad and I are enjoying the read. xx

  2. Loving all your updates! As you can see I'm doing a quick catch up this morning before work. :)
